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Xcode Error when trying to Validate

I have just had a App rejected, for minor reasons, I have made the requested amendments but when I try to validate before submission I get this message

Invalid arguments were passed to codesign. Arguments were: --sign 305e91f2c1f458699df5833256815b2505f87461 --force --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,resource-rules /var/folders/xc/6pjdg38j3_d1fc4s0_scgnsr0000gq/T/4884FF04-2DE6-47F9-8D22-0C1BEAAFE2CA-60252-00000149C7362BE9/

I have tried looking into it but can't find an answer the only thing that is different is that I briefly tested xcode 4.6 but went back to the usual release

Thanks in advance for any help offered


  • Check which Xcode is in use by typing this on commant line:

    xcode-select --print-path

    My guess is that "briefly tested xcode 4.6" might have changed the default Xcode to version 4.6, which at the moment cannot be used to submit apps to App Store. Switch back to last official Xcode release.