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Sql Server sync alternatives

We have two Sql 2008 R2 database. First and main one is on-premise which is used by our stock management and accounting systems. The second is for our web site and it is on a 3th party hosting firm and that database is updated manually by a standard XML file operation (creating XML from on-premise database, sending it to web server, reading from XML file & insert/update/delete web database)

we need to get rid of that manual XML operation and sync that two databases automatically, but problem is our hosting firm does not allow "Replication" or "Linked Server" facilities on their "Sql Server" system. That's way we can not sync databases with these "Sql Server" facilities.

I am trying find out sync alternatives for that scenario without changing the hosting system.

What options can we use ?

Is Microsoft Sync Framework can be used for this scenario? ( I'm not sure if it is just for the Microsoft Azure Sql system)



  • if you're fine coding, then Sync Framework can do this.

    Sync Framework can sync SQL Compact, Express, Server, Azure or LocalDB

    But bear in mind that Sync Framework will need to create some Sync-related objects on your databases (triggers, stored procedures, tables, etc...)