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PHP: How can I add newly one row at the top of the csv file using fputcsv?

I want how can I add newly one new row at the top of the csv file becase in my csv file output its populated with data from database and what I want to happen is that I want to add corresponding column names for every type of data.

Here is my code as of now:

include 'database.php';
$db = new database();

$data = $db->exportdatabase();

$file = fopen('php://output', 'w');
foreach ($data as $items)
    fputcsv($file, $items, ',');

header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
header("Content-Type: application/csv") ;
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=data.csv");
header("Expires: 0");

Here is my csv data looks like



  • You can try before foreach set column names

    Or using fseek function

    fseek($file, 0);
    fputcsv($file, $titles, ',');

    fseek Seeks on a file pointer