I have an entity which has several fields with JSR303 annotated constraints. I want the user to set those fields in several steps. I thought view states with explicit binding properties would do the job.
I enable JSR303 validation by setting a LocalValidatorFactoryBean as validator bean for <webflow:flow-builder-services … validator="flowValidator"/>
. hibernate-validator-5 is in the class path.
public class FlowConfiguration {
@Bean LocalValidatorFactoryBean flowValidator() {
return new LocalValidatorFactoryBean();
This doesn't do the job as I need it. With an enabled validator the view state validates the complete entity, which fails as there are @NotNull constraints. Although the view-state has only a subset.
<view-state id="insertUser" view="registration/insertUser" model="vendor">
<binding property="email" required="true" />
<binding property="name" required="true" />
By further reading I found out that I'm talking about JSR-303 groups. Is there any support for validating groups with Spring web flow?
SWF-1453 says it comes in SWF 2.4.0 and it's already available in the latest SNAPSHOT.