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NHibernate Criteria and Projections

I have my entities like below:

(1) Course (with details) (2) Student (with details) (3) StudentEnrolment (that has a one to many mapping of Student to Course)

Now I am trying to create a projection class (called CourseSummary) which has few fields of the Course along with the total number of students in that course (call it TotalEnrolments). In the below code I have included Campus of the course as well (though irrelevant to my question).

I have reached till here:

                var courseSummaries = session.CreateCriteria<Course>()
               .CreateAlias("Campus", "cmp")
                                  .Add(Projections.Property("CourseId"), "CourseId")
                                  .Add(Projections.Property("StartDate"), "StartDate")
                                  .Add(Projections.Property("EndDate"), "EndDate")
                                  .Add(Projections.Property("cmp.CampusId"), "CampusId")
                                 //What here for "TotalEnrolments"?

But how shall I join StudentEnrolment class and get total number of related records from it?

I am new to the NHibernate world hence my question can be very preliminary.



  • After going through Firo's answer and doing a bit of tweaking myself, I solved it like below:

    var courseSummaries = session.CreateCriteria<Course>("c")
       .CreateAlias("Campus", "cmp")
           .Add(Projections.Property("CourseId"), "CourseId")
           .Add(Projections.Property("StartDate"), "StartDate")
           .Add(Projections.Property("EndDate"), "EndDate")
           .Add(Projections.Property("cmp.CampusId"), "CampusId")
               .Add(Restriction.EqProperty("s.Course.CourseId", "c.CourseId"))
               .SetProjections(Projections.RowCount()), "TotalStudents")