I'm searching for a method where I can print something to the screen (in RichTextBox, for example) with a POS-printer.
The method I'm using now is the following: I send the string to a method and I paste this string to a RichTextBox, but the textbox doesn't recognize ESCAPE POS codes. So I have to replace these codes with something else. It would be much easier if I just could print the string (with the ESCAPE POS codes) directly to the screen or textbox.
Some code to explain my problem:
Dim ESC As String = Chr(&H1B)
Dim newLine = ESC + "|1lF"
printstring = "Omzet per Locatie-groep/artikel" + newLine
printstring += gTouchSettings.CompanyName + newLine
printstring += newLine
printstring += "Periode: " + Format(fromdate, "dd/MM/yyyy") + " - " +
Format(todate, "dd/MM/yyyy") + newLine
printstring += newLine
printstring += "LocatieGr Omschrijving Aantal Ontvangen"
printstring += newLine
printstring += newLine
I can erase the newline, I have found the solution for that. But now I have this layout problem:
printstring += Left(MySqlDR!description & Space(27), 27) &
Right(" " & Format(MySqlDR!quantity, "###0"), 7)
printstring += Right(" " & Format(MySqlDR!item_price, "######0.00"), 8) +
This looks great when I print it on a POS printer, but in a TextBox it is horrible.
You might want to use String.Format
, it helps with aligning your strings and setting padding etc. check out These Examples