I got this SQL code in a SP: (MS SQL 2008)
DECLARE @type tinyint
SELECT @type = Type FROM Contents WHERE ContentID = @ContentID
SELECT [ParentContentID], [Headline], [ShortDescription], [CategoryID], [Type], [State], [DatePublished], [Name] FROM Contents INNER JOIN Users ON Users.ID = Contents.PublishedBy WHERE ContentID = @ContentID
IF (@type = 2) -- Content with text
SELECT [Preamble], [ContentText], [FaceBook], [Twitter], [PrintPage], [TipAFriend] FROM ContentText WHERE ContentID = @ContentID
SELECT [ID], [ImagePath], [ImageType] FROM ContentImages WHERE ContentID = @ContentID
SELECT [ID], [BoxID] FROM ContentBoxes WHERE ContentID = @ContentID
I thought that i should be smart so i added a Linq-to-SQL class to my project and dragged the SP to the class. However, i can't seem to access the data from the second, third and forth select statement. I was hoping that the Linq-to-SQL class would produce 4 data tables with the information thus letting me access them like: data[2].Row[0].ImagePath.
Do i have to create my own code to get the code from the SQL-server in order to get this functionality?
LINQ to SQL does support multiple results sets from stored procedures. You'll want to look at the documentation for IMultipleResults
, and you'll need to write some code in the data context partial (rather than just relying on what the designer generates). Some links to start you off:
questions here on StackOverflow