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Encapsulation of Text property in user control

I am creating a custom label inheriting UserControl. To encapsulate Text property, I have created below script.

    [Browsable(true)] // <--- This is necessary to show the property on design mode
    public override string Text
            return label1.Text;
            label1.Text = value;

The only problem is that even though I set the Text property on designmode, when I rebuild the project, the text returns to default value.

    public UCLabel() // <--- this is the class constructor
        BackColor = Global.GetColor(Global.UCLabelBackColor);
        label1.ForeColor = Global.GetColor(Global.UCLabelForeColor);
        label1.Text = this.Name;

What am I doing wrong here?


  • Obviously, the value of 'text' is not serialized.

    To solve this problem you just have to add the DesignerSerializationVisibility Attribute

        // This is necessary to show the property on design mode.
        // This is necessary to serialize the value.
        public override string Text
                return this.label1.Text;
                this.label1.Text = value;