some c# code like:
Array arr=Array.CreateInstance(typeof(oject),3);
bool b=true;
int i =2;
float[] foo={1.1f,2.2f};
string str=GetParamStringFromArrayObject(arr.GetValue(3));
string GetParamStringFromArrayObject(object obj)
int demesion=obj.GetType().GetRank();//error,how to get the demesion(should be 2)
return obj.ToString();//error,i want to return the string delimeter by ' ' of the float array,how to do?
as above code ,if i want the the string from the object which value is a array,how can i get it,and how to get the demesion of the array oject?
thanks very much.
You have to cast the object as an array, like this:
string GetParamStringFromArrayObject(object obj)
Array array = obj as Array;
if (array != null)
int demesion = array.Rank;
// etc.