I have a CherryPy "site" set up under Apache with modwsgi. It works fine and I can return hello world messages no problem. The problem is when I try to connect to my MySQL database. Here is the code I'm using.
import sys
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
import atexit
import threading
import cherrypy
import MySQLdb
cherrypy.config.update({'environment': 'embedded'})
if cherrypy.__version__.startswith('3.0') and cherrypy.engine.state == 0:
def initServer():
global db
db=MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="root",passwd="pass",db="Penguin")
class Login(object):
def index(self):
return 'Login Page'
index.exposed = True
class Root(object):
login = Login();
def index(self):
# Sample page that displays the number of records in "table"
# Open a cursor, using the DB connection for the current thread
c.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM Users')
return 'Help' + result
index.exposed = True
application = cherrypy.Application(Root(), script_name=None, config=None)
Most of this was copied from the CherryPy site on setting up modwsgi, I just added the database stuff which I pieced together from various internet sources.
When I try to view the root page I get a 500 Internal Server Error. I can still get to the login page fine but so I'm pretty sure I'm messing up the database connection somehow.
You have a bunch of errors, not related to CherryPy really.
def initServer():
global db
is not defined in the global scope. Try:
db = None
def initServer():
global db
In addition, initServer()
is never called to create the DB connection.
c = db.cursor()
c.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM Users')
result = cursor.fetchall()
is not defined. I think you mean c
c = db.cursor()
c.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM Users')
result = c.fetchall()