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Using jQuery fade in/out with zClip (Flash)

We've been building a CSS generator and want to have the ability to copy code. I'm calling the Flash code after the fade in, so there shouldn't be an issue with the display:none; stuff with Flash.

On the site I've been working on it on, if you go into Firebug then you can actually see the zClip div beneath the code, and if you press on it in Firebug, it suddenly activates for no obvious reason.

I have put it onto jsFiddle, and the activity I mentioned in the paragraph above doesn't occur at all. The zClip div just doesn't show. The jsFiddle link is


  • Just for closure. I eventually got this fixed after several weeks of attempts. Still not 100% sure what I did though!

    A note that my jsfiddle link missed the zclip jQuery file and works otherwise. Thanks to Andrew for pointing that out!