I'm a noob to iphone development (2nd day using xcode) and I am having trouble making a dynamic text for a label. My string:
dealerspremiumLabel.text= [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%% (%@%d)", premiumPercentage, symbol, premiumCurrency];
is returning as "0% ((null)88988)" instead of "0% ($00.00)". I can't figure out why this is happening because in ViewDidLoad I set my variables as:
premiumCurrency= 00.00;
dealerspremiumLabel.text= [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%% (%@%d)", premiumPercentage, symbol, premiumCurrency];
My label outlet is properly set and my variables are setup properly as well. I also have checked my Log and the values for these particular variables are set correctly before the above code. Any help figuring this out is greatly appreciated.
Use this way,
currency is float you are using %d instead of %f
dealerspremiumLabel.text= [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%% (%@%.2f)", premiumPercentage, symbol, premiumCurrency];
As your symbol
is giving null
, you have missed to alloc+init.
Or you can directly use :
dealerspremiumLabel.text= [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%% ($%.2f)", premiumPercentage, premiumCurrency];