I have an application using Janrain Engage for login. Everything works since few months, except on ONE machine from Firefox...
I have no clue for what reason, when I try to log-in from this machine (on my site or even on Janrain's admin site), I get the sign-in page, the I choose a provider, enter my information, validate and then, nothing happens !
Normal process trace is:
On the faulty machine, I just have the first GET, and then nothing else... The token_url callback is never called, so I even do not have any trace on my server.
The machine where the problem occurs is my personnal machine at home. Same login attemps works like a charm with Chrome or IE. I did'nt find any specific settings in my Firefox configuration.
I'm afraid some potential customers can get the same behaviour as me and go away... Is anyone experimenting similar problem ?
Froggy. You might have 3rd party cookies disabled in Firefox. That's the only thing I can think of that would cause that issue on a single browser. Go here for info on changing that setting: http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/disable-third-party-cookies/