I am having DisclosurePanel, as header content i have HorizontalPanel which is applied style, these styles is having background image, which uses ClientBundle with @sprite. But issue is the style is not applying for the header widget (Horizontal Panel)
here my code goes
Entry class
public class Test implements EntryPoint {
* This is the entry point method.
public void onModuleLoad() {
DisclosurePanel dp = new DisclosurePanel();
HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel();
Label l = new Label("testing the DP with IMG-CSS bundle");
dp.setContent(new Label("Body"));
ClientBundle interface
public interface TestClientBundle extends ClientBundle {
TestClientBundle INSTANCE = GWT.create(TestClientBundle.class);
public ImageResource blue();
public CssResource testCsss();
Css File
@external .blue;
@sprite .blue {
gwt-image: 'blue';
cursor: pointer;
text-decoration: none;
Is it known issue in GWT or my code is wrong?
Instead of
you need to have a way to refer to that css class name - you need a CssResource
public interface MyCssResource extends CssResource {
String gates_playbookimage_blue();
Reference this from your clientbundle instead of CssResource:
public interface TestClientBundle extends ClientBundle {
TestClientBundle INSTANCE = GWT.create(TestClientBundle.class);
public ImageResource playbookBlue();
public MyCssResource testCsss();
Now you can do this:
MyCssResource css = TestClientBundle.INSTANCE.testCsss();
This will let the css compiler rewrite your css as needed, and be sure to pass in the rewritten class name to your widget.