I have a memory block (opaque), that I want to store in a Blob in mySQL through their C++ adapter. The adapter expects a istream:
virtual void setBlob(unsigned int parameterIndex, std::istream * blob) = 0;
So my question is: how can I create a std::istream from this memory block (typed as char*). It's not a string as it is not null-terminated (but I know its length of course).
I could not find a way to do it without copying my memory block for example in a std::string. I think this is a bit wasteful. Something like this doesn't work:
std::streambuf istringbuf(blockPtr, blockLength);
std::istringstream tmp_blob(&istringbuf);
because std::streambuf doesnt have such a constructor. I saw the following suggestion.
std:: istringstream tmp_blob;
tmp_blob.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(blockPtr, blockLength);
Is that the correct way?
Look at std::istrstream it has a constructor
istrstream( char* pch, int nLength );
This class is sort of depreciated or at least you are normally told to use other classes.
The issue with strstream is that it is more complex to manage the memory of the char* buffer so in general you would prefer stringstream as it does the memory management for you. However in this case you are already managing the memory of the char* so the normal benefit is in this case a cost. In fact in this case strstream does exactly what you want with minimal overhead in code or speed. This is similar to the discussion of ostrsteram by Herb Sutter