My class uses QWidget and I've got some QPushButtons there and I'd like to set a QLabel on top of each button, which are set on the window by move() but QLabel doesn't want to move... I use setMargin but it moves it from left to right, but not up or down. There's an example of my code:
self.btn = QPushButton(QIcon(),"Show table", self)
self.btn.move(360, 10)
self.btn.resize(100, 20)
self.label = QLabel("Here comes the boom")
layout_LineEdit = QVBoxLayout()
Add a moveEvent to your class and connect move signal to your slot, your slot should be a function that change your widget's geometry via:
YourClass::moveEvent(QMoveEvent *ev)
emit move(ev->pos());
your SLOT function:
void move_label(QPoint *point)
setGeomtry(0, 0, point->x, point->y);
and connect them as below:
connect(label_widget, SIGNAL(move(QPoint)), this, move_label(QPoint));