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XPath - Return Null if single instance of element contains specific text

In an XML document such as:


What is a single XPath 1.0-compatible, local-namespace()-compatible, expression to return a Null set if any element contains the inner text of 'Text1'.

I have tried numerous different expressions and cannot get elements that would return a null set.


//*[local-name()='c' and .='Text1']

- or -   

/*[local-name()='a']/*[local-name()='b']/*not(local-name()='c' and .='Text1'])

The stringent requirements are due to a specific implementation of the .NET function call XmlNode.SelectSingleNode Method (String)

Final exact solution Courtesy Dimitre

/*[not(//*[local-name()='c' and . = 'Text1'])]


  • What is a single XPath 1.0-compatible, local-namespace()-compatible, expression to return a Null set if any element contains the inner text of 'Text1'.

    You haven't specified what should be selected if there is no such c element, so below I select in this case the top element.


    /*[not(//c[. = 'Text1'])]

    This would select nothing in case there is a c element in the XML document, whose string value is "Text1".

    In case of using default namespace, this would be written as:

    /*[not(//*[name()='c' and . = 'Text1'])]

    XSLT - based verification:

    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
     <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
     <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
     <xsl:template match="/">
         <xsl:copy-of select="/*[not(//c[. = 'Text1'])]"/>

    When this transformation is applied on the provided XML document:


    the XPath expression is evaluated and the result of this evaluation is copied to the output -- in this case nothing is produced -- as expected.

    If we change the above XML document to:


    then the condition is true() and the result of the evaluation is the subtree rooted by the top element:
