I have defined a TabbedPane as below but one each tab, I would like to show content"questions.qml" (It's a Navigation Pane") and "stats.qml" file instead of embedding the code in single file. So I was wondering how I can achieve that?
TabbedPane {
showTabsOnActionBar: true
Tab {
id: questions
title: "Questions"
description: "This tab will have questions in current hub"
Tab {
id: stats
title: "Stats"
What I have done in that case is declare each tab in the QML file the sets up the TabbedPane, as you have:
import "UI" // The file DataManagement.qml is located in the directory UI
// which is a sub-directory of the location of this QML file.
Tab {
title: qsTr("Data Management")
imageSource: "asset:///images/icons/database.png"
id: dataManagement
DataManagement {
id: dataManagementPage
Then in a separate QML file, DataManagement.qml in this case, I declare the content of the tab:
import bb.cascades 1.0
Page {
// content of page to render in the tab.
content: Container {
As long as the QML files are in the same directory, or the referenced file (DataManagement.qml) is in a directory included in the first QML file it works.