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ServiceStack + ORMLite + Repository Pattern

I'm trying to implement the Repository pattern using ORMLite. I initially started off with:

public List<Todo> GetByIds(long[] ids)
    using (IDbConnection dbConn = dbFactory.OpenDbConnection())
        return dbConn.Ids<Todo>(ids).ToList();

But having this under every method in my Repository seemed a bit repetitive? So I created a data context class which all my repositories inherit from:

public class TodoRepository : DataContext

Here is that DataContext class:

public class DataContext
    protected OrmLiteConnectionFactory dbFactory = new 
ConnectionString, SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider.Instance);

    protected IDbConnection dbConn;

    public DataContext()
        dbConn = dbFactory.OpenDbConnection();

I then simply have to do this in my methods:

public List<Todo> GetByIds(long[] ids)
    return dbConn.Ids<Todo>(ids).ToList();

I was just curious if this is a good design pattern and what other's have come up with when using the Repository pattern for data access with ORMLite.


  • I wouldn't hard-code the strong-type DialectProvider and configuration for the connection in your repository. Instead I would do something that's similar to ServiceStack's base Service class, e.g:

    public class Repository : IDisposable {
        public IDbConnectionFactory DbFactory { get; set; } //injected by IOC
        IDbConnection db;
        IDbConnection Db 
                return db ?? db = DbFactory.Open();
        public List<Todo> GetByIds(long[] ids)
            return Db.Ids<Todo>(ids);
        public void Dispose() {
            if (db != null)

    This way you can initialize the IDbConnectionFactory where it's meant to be, i.e. in the IOC registration of your Host project. In ServiceStack this is in AppHost.Configure():

    container.Register<IDbConnectionFactory>(c => 
            ConnectionString, SqlServerDialect.Provider);