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SVN checkout fails with “chunk delimiter was invalid”


When checking out a large project we receive error on a random file in the project:

  • Could not read response body: SSL error: decryption failed or bad record mac

Response was to disable SSL and restarted SVNServer.

Retested and got this error:

  • chunk delimiter was invalid

So examined the SVNserver log:

  • Error writing base64 data: APR does not understand this error code [500, #620018]

  • Provider encountered an error while streaming a REPORT response. [500, #0]

  • A failure occurred while driving the update report editor [500, #620018]

We can recreate the above 100% of the time.


From here we tried:

Upgraded OpenSSL to latest version. Resulted in same errors above.

Copied the REPO to a new REPO to ensure no file corruption. Resulted in same errors above.

Installed SVNserver locally and tested taking network our of the equation. Resulted in same error above.

We think this may be isolated to the version of OpenSSL we are using with some other component installed with VisualSVN.

Anyone aware of this issue and how to resolve it ?


  • Windows 2008 Server R2
  • Apache Subversion 1.7.6
  • Apache HTTP Server 2.2.22
  • OpenSSL 0.9.8x
  • Neon 0.29.6
  • Serf 1.0.0
  • SQLite 3070603
  • ZLib 1.2.3
  • VisualSVN 2.5.6
  • SSL enabled
  • Windows 7 x64 pro client nodes


  • Do you have Nod32 installed? If yes then disabling protocol filtering can help. Best solution is to add exception for SVN.

    Nod32 -> Advanced setup -> Web and email -> Protocol filtering -> Excluded applications -> check you client, mine is TortoiseProc.exe