Please tell me, is it possible that.
I have a Link.
Link jobNameLink = new Link(jobName, new ExternalResource("opla"));
I need to when you click on this link to download a different view. If not possible, what are the possible solutions to this problem?
You have two options:
Use Button instead of Link:
Button button = new Button("Click me!", new Button.ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) {
// Logic for opening correct view
Or listen URI fragment changes by using UriFragmentUtility (Vaadin 6) or UriFragmentChangedListener (Vaadin 7) and then you can use a normal link: Here's an example with Vaadin 7:
Page.getCurrent().addUriFragmentChangedListener(new Page.UriFragmentChangedListener() {
public void uriFragmentChanged(Page.UriFragmentChangedEvent e) {
System.out.println("fragment changed: " + e.getUriFragment());
new Link("click me!", new ExternalResource("#asdf"))