I am using Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 and I want to clear one thing I do not want to use XAMPP, MAMP anymore.
So I enabled apache, php and installed mysql following this link. This work well. Then I downloaded laravel and installed it following this link. I copied laravel folder inside Sites
folder which I created according to first link tutorial. Now when I click on public
folder inside laravel
folder it gives me following error
Unhandled Exception
Call to undefined function Laravel\mcrypt_create_iv()
/Users/zafarsaleem/Sites/learning-laravel/laravel/crypter.php on line 36
Then checked whether mcrypts are installed in phpinfo(). They are not there. To install mcrypt
I followed this link. It worked until when I followed to PHP Extension
title. When I downloaded PHP 5.3.8 is now the default since Mac OS X 10.7.3
unpacked and when I issue phpize
command it gives me this error
Cannot find config.m4.
Make sure that you run '/usr/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module
What does this top level source directory of the module means
? How can I make mcrypt install properly to make laravel work? Please help.
You will need to install Xcode and the command line tools
extra package within Xcode, for then to install mcrypt
For more details, read this http://www.coolestguyplanettech.com/how-to-install-mcrypt-for-php-on-mac-osx-lion-10-7-development-server/