I've been using Werkzeug to make WSGI compliant applications. I'm trying to modify the code in the front page.
Its basic idea is that you go to the /hello URL and you get a "Hello World!" message. You go to /hello/ and you get "hello !". For example, /hello/jeff yields "Hello Jeff!". Anyway, what I'm trying to do is putting a form in the front page with a text box where you can enter your name, and it will submit it to /hello. So if you enter "Jeff" in the form and submit, you get the "Hello Jeff!" message.
However, I have no idea how to do this. I need to pass the "name" variable to the hello template, but I don't know how. Here's my index.html:
<title>Index page</title>
<h1>Go to the <a href="${url_for('say_hello')}">default</a></h1>
<form name="helloform" action="${url_for('say_hello')}" method="post">
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="submit">
method="get" doesn't work either, predictably.
Do it the right way: go to /hello?name=joe
to say hello to joe, and so forth. That's how HTML/HTTP is designed to work! Your code behind the /hello
URL just needs to get the name
parameter from the request, if present, and respond accordingly.