I used JFormattedTextField
in this way:
-Creat a JFormattedTextField
JFormattedTextField integerField;
-Create a NumberFormat
NumberFormat integerFieldFormatter;
-In the constructor:
integerFieldFormatter = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance();
integerField = new JFormattedTextField(integerFieldFormatter );
I meant to use it with integer numbers only, but when I type numbers like 1500 it is converted after losing focus to 1,500 , and exception thrown this is the first line of it:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1,500"
When I use JTextField
instead of JFormattedTextField
All integers accepted normally, But the reason why I want to use JFormattedTextField
is to benefit from its input restriction advantages.
I discovered the solution to my problem; Here it is:
The exact problem is that when I use JFormattedTextField
with NumberFormat
, the JFormattedTextField adds comma ',' before any next 3 digits for example
1000 rendered as 1,000
10000 rendered as 10,000
1000000 rendered as 1,000,000
When I read an integer value from JFormattedTextField usign this line of code
int intValue = Integer.parseInt(integerField.getText());
The comma is read as part of the string; 1000 read as 1,000 and this string value cannot be converted to integer value, and so exception is thrown.
Honestly the solution is in this Answer but I will repeat it here
use str.replaceAll(",","")
int intValue = Integer.parseInt(integerField.getText().replaceAll(",", ""));
This will replace any comma charachter ','
in the returned string and will be converted normally to int
as expected.