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How to use a template parameter in another template parameter declared before

a template parameter can be used in another template parameter that follows it this way :

template<typename T, T N>
struct s

But is it possible to reference "T" if it is declared after "N" ?

This does not work :

template<T N, typename T>
struct s

Can we help the compiler by pre-declaring "T" or doing anything else ?

Thanks by advance.

EDIT : as the first two replies were asking "why are you willing to do that ?" I'll explain the goal :

I would like to make the compiler infer the type "T" in order to make the use of templated classes easier.

For example :

template<typename T, T A, T B>
struct sum
    static T const value = A + B;

This template can be used this way :

sum<int, 1, 2>::value

But it would be better if it could be used this way :

sum<1, 2>::value

Technically it's should be possible because the compiler knows the types of "1" and "2" : "int", and in fact it uses these informations to find the best overload for a function. So by declaring the template this way :

template<T A, T B, typename T>
struct sum
    static T const value = A + B;

the compiler could use its capability to infer the last parameter from the informations provided by the first and the second one, and then find the best template to instantiate.


  • Like others say - No this isn't possible, the compiler can't infer the type of T from the non-type template arguments (in the case of functions, it infers types from the function arguments):

    A template type argument cannot be deduced from the type of a non-type template-argument.

    In any case, no deduction will be made for the arguments of a class template anyway. An example for a function template might be

    template<int> struct having_int { };
    template<typename T, T i> void f(having_int<i>);
    int main() { having_int<0> h; f(h); }

    In this case, T won't be deduced as int - you have to explicitly specify it.