How to find control (i.e image button) inside repeater, that repeater is already in a datalist? because I have to perform delete operation on that image button.
Here is my code, here I'm getting repeater but not image button:
foreach (DataListItem item in Dlist_SearchResult.Controls)
rptrResult = (Repeater)item.FindControl("Rptr_result");
imgbtnDelete = (ImageButton)item.FindControl("imgbtnDelete");
You can use Recursion in your FindControl. FindControl by default is not recursive.
Try this:
private static Control FindControlRecursive(Control rootCtrl, string ID)
if (rootCtrl.ID == ID)
return rootCtrl;
foreach (Control ctr in rootCtrl.Controls)
Control foundCtl = FindControlRecursive(ctr, ID);
if (foundCtl != null)
return foundCtl;
return null;
you can call it
Button btn = FindControlRecursive((Control)Page,"imgbtnDelete");