One strange attribute of T-SQL's OPENROWSET()
function is that it cannot accept parameters within the 'query' which it executes remotely. In order to get around this I guess you have to create a long string containing the OPENROWSET
calls and the parametrized query.
Given this limitation, I'm trying to get this piece of code to work:
Declare @DataId int
Declare @RecordType varchar(50)
Declare @Filter varchar(50)
-- ...
@RecordType = recordType,
@DataId = DataId
'SELECT recordType, DataId FROM MyDb..data_lookup
WHERE Filter = ''' + @Filter+'''')
This throws an error
Incorrect syntax near '+'
Right now, which makes sense given the restriction on OPENROWSET. But if I convert this to SQL string, won't I lose the ability to set @RecordType
and @DataId
from the results of the query?
Is there any syntactic sugar I can sprinkle on this to get around the restriction and make this work the way I want it to?
Here's some examples of building a string dynamically:
You could insert into a table variable first, and then pull your values from there.
DECLARE @t TABLE (DataID int, RecordType varchar(50))
exec sp_executeSQL N'your OPENROWSERT query'
SELECT TOP 1 @DataID = DataID, @RecordType = RecordType