Is there a way to detect what browser you are using through template toolkit? For example I can achieve what I want to do using jQuery but thought it would be useful to know how to do it in template toolkit if possible?
if ( (jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.browser.version < 9.0) )
In template toolkit I want to do something like the below but can't see this in the documentation anywhere?
[% IF browser.msie && browser.version < 9.0 %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
I'm not aware of a TT plug-in for this, but it's trivial to add a line or two to your back-end application to make the information available to the template. For example, if your app is Catalyst based, you would add something like this to your main program:
... and in your 'auto' handler, introduce a line such as (untested):
$c->stash(browser => $c->req->browser);
... or just use this is your template:
[%- SET browser = c.req.browser;
SET old_ie = 'class="old-ie"'
IF && && browser.public_major < 9.0;
and then include old_ie
wherever it's required in your template.
See Catalyst::TraitFor::Request::BrowserDetect and HTTP::BrowserDetect for more info and options. I'm sure there are similar plugins/methods for Dancer, Mojolicious etc.