Search code examples

Magento: can't capture dispatched event

In order to develop an automated order status changer based on payment method and event type, I created the following module:


    <!--?xml version="1.0"?-->






class GT_OrderFlow_Model_Observer
public function implementOrderStatus($event)
    $order = $event->getOrder();
    $payment_method = $this->_getPaymentMethod($order);
    $this->_log('In implementOrderStatus with payment method: '.$payment_method);
    Mage::log('In implementOrderStatus with payment method: '.$payment_method);
    $next_status = "";
    return $this;

private function _getPaymentMethod($order)
    return $order->getPayment()->getMethodInstance()->getCode();

private function _log($message)
    return Mage::log($message, null, 'gt_orderflow.log');

The code was replicated from

But how can I get it to fire the observer after sales_order_place_after event?


  • Is your module loaded at all? You will need a file in /app/etc/modules. On a related note, I see that you refer to your module as <gt_orderflow> but the class prefix is GT_OrderFlow. On a case sensitive filesystem, this is important and will not work this way. The nodes under config/modules are mapped to the module path.