Theres a jar file that alphabetizes a series of names in .txt file. I have lots of these files in folders. the normal use of the .jar is:
java -jar names.jar -o output/alphabetized/ names/names-05-04-20.txt
How could you run the jar file on the txt files in a folder?
EDIT: names.jar alphabetizes the contents of the files passed to it, the goal being to alphabetize the contents of the files in the folder.
Use a shell for loop:
for F in names/*.txt; do java -jar names.jar -o output/alphabetized/ "${F}"; done
You can see what this is going to do by adding echo
before java
to show the command instead of running it:
$ for F in names/*.txt; do echo java -jar names.jar -o output/alphabetized/ "${F}"; done
java -jar names.jar -o output/alphabetized/ names/actors.txt
java -jar names.jar -o output/alphabetized/ names/apple-products.txt
java -jar names.jar -o output/alphabetized/ names/fruit.txt
java -jar names.jar -o output/alphabetized/ names/planets.txt
java -jar names.jar -o output/alphabetized/ names/presidents.txt