I updated doctrine from 2.1 to 2.2 on a symfony 2.0 project.
But now every time I try to do php app/console doctrine:schema:update
doctrine wants to recreate all my schema and I have the following error:
Duplicate table: 7 ERREUR: the relation account already exists.
When I dump the SQL, it is clearly recreating all the database.
When upgrading from 2.1 to 2.2, Doctrine now tries to specify the schema.
In doctrine 2.1: You can't specify the Schema, and Doctrine will create tables in the public
In doctrine 2.2+: If no schema is specified, Doctrine will write into the user schema and then in the public schema.
To specify the schema for the user that's performing the queries, just do:
alter user your_user set search_path = my_schema