I have 3 tables in a sheet of excel file, and I use OpenXML SDK to read the Excel file, like this:
SpreadSheetDocument document = SpreadSheetDDocument.open(/*read it*/);
foreach(Sheet sheet in document.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Sheets)
//I need each table or work part of sheet here
So as you see I can get each sheet of Excel, but how can I get workparts in each sheet, like my 3 tables I should can iterate on these tables, does any one know about this? any suggestion?
Does this help?
// true for editable
using (SpreadsheetDocument xl = SpreadsheetDocument.Open("yourfile.xlsx", true))
foreach (WorksheetPart wsp in xl.WorkbookPart.WorksheetParts)
foreach (TableDefinitionPart tdp in wsp.TableDefinitionParts)
// for example
// tdp.Table.AutoFilter = new AutoFilter() { Reference = "B2:D3" };
Note that the actual cell data is not in the Table object, but in SheetData (under Worksheet of the WorksheetPart). Just so you know.