I am writing a UserControl which adds child controls programmatically. Currently I am adding new controls like so:
this.Controls.Add(new Control() { Height = 16, Dock = DockStyle.Top });
The problem I am experiencing is that new controls are added above the existing controls, so where I want the controls to be ordered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 from top to bottom, it's ordering them as 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 from top to bottom.
I want to know how I ensure a new control is added after all existing controls (in terms of display order).
And also, I want to know if I can insert a control between two other selected controls
I have tried setting the TabIndex but that didn't help!
When using Winforms only the sequence in which controls are added determines their docking behaviour.
The last added control will always go nearest to the docking border, i.e. to the top with DockStyle.Top
Neither BringToFront
nor SendToBack
or Tab-order will change this.
Just add your controls in reverse order, or remove them and add them again.