I am trying to execute flex function from javascript with ExternalInterface and addCallback:
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" creationComplete="initApp()">
import flash.external.*;
import flash.net.FileReference;
public function initApp():void {
ExternalInterface.addCallback("sendTextFromJS", receiveTextFromJS);
public function receiveTextFromJS(s:String):void {
l1.text = s;
var myFileReference:FileReference = new FileReference();
But for some reasons the file dialog is not showing, but the text from label with id l1 is changed.
the FileReference.browse action could be called only in response to a user action(mouse event or keypress event), so you have to modify your code to gain the user action, for example you can use Alert:
public function receiveTextFromJS(s:String):void {
Alert.show("Browse for files?", "", Alert.OK | Alert.CANCEL, null, onAlert);
private function onAlert(event:CloseEvent):void
if(event.detail == Alert.OK)
var myFileReference:FileReference = new FileReference();