I have a project with in-app billing implemented. It's currently on
the market, and everything is working fine. Now that I wanted to make a new build for an update, things went upside down.
I had cleaned my project and the ImarketBillingService.java
file doesn't get generated anymore. Things that I've tried:
refresh, clean, reimport a million times
checking/unchecking project builders
re-adding the IMarketBillingService.aidl file to my project
building for other API levels
adding the generated java file from an older version of my project (signing went okay, but after I've installed the apk on a device, the app immediately crashed because it couldn't find the necessary files for billing service)
I found the answer for me here: Android Pre Compiler error on 21.0.1 android sdk
There is an issue with the Android SDK tools 21.0.1 pre-compiler. It seems to have issues with .svn folders causing the pre-compile stage to fail, preventing the processing of the IMarketBillingService.aidl file. This link has a couple of workarounds for it.