I have a piece of code in VB Script to add test parameters
Dim supportParamTest
Set supportParamTest = TDConnection.TestFactory.Item(1404)
Set testParamsFactory = supportParamTest.TestParameterFactory
Set parameter = testParamsFactory.AddItem(Null)
parameter.Name ="Name"
parameter.Description = "desc"
in line no : 2 TDConnection.TestFactory.Item(1404) here "1404" is hard coded test id , i.e the above code will add test parameters to test id 1404 Now i need to get the TestID of the current Test to make it generic
Can any one help me out?
Dim TestName
Dim supportTests
Set supportTests = TDConnection.TestFactory
Set Test = TestFactory.Fields
TestName = ID
Successfully retrieves the current Test ID. It works !