I have a WPF that will be displayed on a very small device with a small screen but the operating system has a high resolution. The resolution cannot be changed (hardware restrictions), so I must "magnify" my WPF app so that it is usable on a small device.
My thoughts were to do something like the 'zoom in/out' functionality in chrome (well, other browsers too). For example, visit jquery mobile and press ctrl+. I want a similar effect for a WPF app.
I was thinking something like...
ZoomFactor = 2
WPFApp.RenderSize.Width = WPFApp.Size.Width / ZoomFactor
WPFApp.RenderSize.Height = WPFApp.Size.Height / ZoomFactor
This would 'theoretically' make WPF thinking it is rendering for a large screen, however the application will still actually have double the realestate (ZoomFactor).
Then, I was thinking a ScaleTransform would zoom the rendered content to fill the entire application.
WFPApp.RenderedContent.ScaleTransformX = ZoomFactor
WPFApp.RenderedContent.ScaleTransformY = ZoomFactor
This would also allow the application to be sized in any way and a ZoomFactor will still be applied to the content.
I am relatively new to WPF, so there might be a way to do this out of the box, but if not, how would I achieve this?
Try using a layout transformation with a scale transform.
Worked like a charm. This is the logic I used to generate the scale.
public static double GetElementScale(Size designSize, Size currentSize)
var ratioY = currentSize.Height / designSize.Height;
var ratioX = currentSize.Width / designSize.Width;
return Math.Max(ratioX, ratioY);
Then, with two scale properties on my page, I used the following.
<ScaleTransform ScaleY="{Binding Path=ScaleY, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type controls:MPage}}}" ScaleX="{Binding Path=ScaleX, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type controls:MPage}}}" />