I am fighting a bug which does not reproduce on my machine, but repeats every time on my client's machine. I've tried everything, and now I am looking for any debug data (or whatever) that IE8 leaves after a crash. Google and Microsoft searches gave me nothing. Where does Internet Explorer 8 store its crash dumps? It definetely sends something to Microsoft after a crash, how can I see it?
There is a post here that will show you how to generate a mini dump
To generate a minidump:
Ignore all the spew again and wait for the prompt at the bottom of the WinDBG window, then type this:
.dump /m IE1.dmp
If you don't give it a full path, the IE1.dmp file will be created in the same folder where you installed the debugger package. If you zip up that minidump and upload it here, I or someone else may be able to dig more info out of it.