Following the documentation for vagrant vbox packaging here. I am attempting to package a virtual box with port forwarding auto-configured by including an auxiliary vagrant file Vagrantfile.pkg thusly:
vagrant package dev --output --vagrantfile Vagrantfile.pkg
And I get the following error:
Package include file doesn't exist: Vagrantfile.pkg
I have tried putting this in the project root (where the main vagrantfile is), in the VM shared folder, and a few other places, all with the same error.
My host environment is Windows 7, which I suspect is the source of this issue.
Has anyone succeeded at packaging a vagrant file for this purpose?
Here is the content of Vagrantfile.pkg for reference, not that it should affect this bug. do |config|
config.vm.host_name = 'dev.local' :hostonly, ''
config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080
On a guess, the following appears to have worked:
vagrant package dev --output --vagrantfile ../Vagrantfile.pkg