If i have lots of directory names either as literal strings or contained in variables, what is the easiest way of combining these to make a complete path?
I know of
Path.Combinebut this only takes 2 string parameters, i need a solution that can take any number number of directory parameters.
string folder1 = "foo"; string folder2 = "bar"; CreateAPath("C:", folder1, folder2, folder1, folder1, folder2, "MyFile.txt")
Any ideas? Does C# support unlimited args in methods?
Does C# support unlimited args in methods?
Yes, have a look at the params keyword. Will make it easy to write a function that just calls Path.Combine the appropriate number of times, like this (untested):
string CombinePaths(params string[] parts) {
string result = String.Empty;
foreach (string s in parts) {
result = Path.Combine(result, s);
return result;