Im trying to load HTML with Xerces DOMDocument C++ Parser and search for specific HTML Elements. I am having trouble finding good examples on how to accomplish this. All I seem to find is parsing XML. Can someone assist? Thanks.
Take a look at this:
There is an example with DOMDocument as well:
// // Create a small document tree //
XMLCh tempStr[100];
XMLString::transcode("Range", tempStr, 99);
DOMImplementation* impl = DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation(tempStr, 0);
XMLString::transcode("root", tempStr, 99);
DOMDocument* doc = impl->createDocument(0, tempStr, 0);
DOMElement* root = doc->getDocumentElement();
XMLString::transcode("FirstElement", tempStr, 99);
DOMElement* e1 = doc->createElement(tempStr);
XMLString::transcode("SecondElement", tempStr, 99);
DOMElement* e2 = doc->createElement(tempStr);
XMLString::transcode("aTextNode", tempStr, 99);
DOMText* textNode = doc->createTextNode(tempStr);
// optionally, call release() to release the resource associated with the range after done
DOMRange* range = doc->createRange();
// removedElement is an orphaned node, optionally call release() to release associated resource
DOMElement* removedElement = root->removeChild(e2);
// no need to release this returned object which is owned by implementation
XMLString::transcode("*", tempStr, 99);
DOMNodeList* nodeList = doc->getElementsByTagName(tempStr);
// done with the document, must call release() to release the entire document resources
... and so long.
But how do I load HTML into the DOMDocument and search against the html elements? Thats what Im trying to figure out.
XercesDOMParser parser;
parser.loadGrammar("grammar.dtd", Grammar::DTDGrammarType);
Handler handler;
parser.setErrorHandler( &handler );