I have xubuntu OS installed on my PC (12.04, Precise Pangolin) and installed C++ boost lib (1.49) using ubuntu's binary repository for boost by issuing the following command in the terminal:
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
The command completed successfully and now I need to use boost serialization lib which is named libboost_serialization for my application. However, I cannot find this in any location under /usr/ in my file system and I wonder why this lib has not been installed automatically when I issued the above apt-get command. Am I supposed install another package separately to get boost serialization library in place in my xubuntu installation? Thanks.
You probably want this package: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libboost-serialization-dev.
If you want all Boost sub-packages installed in one operation, you also have a libboost-all-dev package.