I'm wondering if anyone has an example of a UPnP device scanner which I can import to eclipse. I would like this since I can understand how it works a lot easier when I see what it does in the emulator.
I assume that by "device scanner" you mean "media controller" aka DMC. If you insist in having the DMC in Android emulator, then you can probably use Cling UPnPBrowser, which is basically a working example of how to use Cling in Android.
Observing and debugging in emulator is unnecessarily tedious too - if you want to learn UPnP, not as much Android. From the point of UPnP, the platform doesn't make any difference. A corresponding desktop app is completely equal (regarding UPnP internals) and way more comfortable to play with.
Also, instead of diving into the code, i would suggest starting with some basic documentation, so that you know what's the stuff that DMC is sending to the network and the other buzz on the wire even if DMC doesn't ask for anything.