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Using boost::phoenix::bind together with boost::spirit::qi::symbols::add

I want to parse a floating point number in a text file and insert it in a symbol table; the parser and the symbol table are provided by spirit::qi.

Here is my code:

#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>

#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
template<typename VTYPE>
struct VTable : boost::spirit::qi::symbols<char, VTYPE> {
    VTable() {} // empty

int main() {
using boost::spirit::qi::_1;
using boost::spirit::qi::eps;
using boost::spirit::qi::rule;
using boost::spirit::qi::ascii::space;
using boost::spirit::qi::space_type;
using boost::spirit::qi::real_parser;
using boost::spirit::qi::int_parser;
using boost::spirit::qi::strict_real_policies;
    VTable<double> floatDecs;
    floatDecs.add("hallo", 15.26)("duDa", 18.5);

const std::string some = "some";
    rule<std::string::iterator, double> value = real_parser<double, strict_real_policies<double>>() [ boost::phoenix::bind(&VTable<double>::add, floatDecs, boost::phoenix::cref(some), _1) ];

    std::cout << boost::spirit::qi::phrase_parse(test.begin(), test.end(), value, space);
    return 0;

The problem in here lies in boost::phoenix::bind, but I do not know, how to fix that (I am fairly new to this library).


  • Here's a working version. After, I'll list what was wrong with yours.

    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    template<typename VTYPE>
    struct VTable : boost::spirit::qi::symbols<char, VTYPE> {
        VTable() {} // empty
    int main() {
    using boost::spirit::qi::_1;
    using boost::spirit::qi::eps;
    using boost::spirit::qi::rule;
    using boost::spirit::qi::ascii::space;
    using boost::spirit::qi::space_type;
    using boost::spirit::qi::real_parser;
    using boost::spirit::qi::int_parser;
    using boost::spirit::qi::strict_real_policies;
        VTable<double> floatDecs;
        floatDecs.add("hallo", 15.26)("duDa", 18.5);
        const char some[] = "some";
        rule<std::string::iterator, double()> value =
                real_parser<double, strict_real_policies<double> >()
                [ boost::phoenix::bind(floatDecs.add, boost::phoenix::val(some), _1) ];
        std::string test("10.6");
        std::string::iterator b(test.begin()), e(test.end());
        std::cout << boost::spirit::qi::phrase_parse(b, e, value, space);
        return 0;

    First, the variable you want to use as an argument to add() needs to be fixed.

    const char some[] = "some";

    Next, you need to fix the syntax in your rule template parameters:

    rule<std::string::iterator, double()>

    Note the brackets, to make the double a functor declaration rather than a vanilla double, for lazy evaluation.

    Next, you need to use the syntax above for your semantic action.

    [ boost::phoenix::bind(floatDecs.add, boost::phoenix::val(some), _1) ];

    Honestly I am not sure why this works as I am not a phoenix expert, but the link in 'sehe's' comment above provided the answer. Also, you were barking up the wrong tree with cref, there's no indication from add()'s declaration that a reference is what's required. val is what you need to turn the some variable into a phoenix-happy lazy argument.

    Finally, you just need to supply some reasonable test data.

    The code above should work for you now.