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Windows Media Player - 500 Internal Server Error

Hi my application is MVC, have a view with windows media player, it plays on my local host but not on the hosting server, MIME is set up correct. Here is my script:

<object codebase="" 
        <param name="url" value="../../Video/1.wmv"/> 
        <embed src="../../Video/1.wmv" 

I tried same script in a simple HTML file, it worked well on the server.

I get 500 Internal Server Error (shown in Fiddler). Any suggestions.


  • Try using a helper:

    <param name="url" value="@Url.Content("~/Video/1.wmv")" /> 
    <embed src="@Url.Content("~/Video/1.wmv")" 

    This will ensure that a correct url to the video file is generated. In this example I suppose that you have a Video sub-directory and the file is inside this directory.

    As far as the 500 error is concerned, I suppose it is not related to the code snippet you have shown. Try looking at the server's EventLog where unhandled exceptions are traced.