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Typing in JTextArea affects other components

I'm working on panel which has four components: a label, a textfield that is uneditable, another label and a JTextArea. These components are aligned vertically one after the other and I am using Box Layout for this panel. What I have noticed is that when I type in the text area component, it shifts the labels character by character till it can't anymore. They labels initially are aligned to the left but as soon as I start typing they start moving to the right. I have tried so many other components but Box Layout seems to do what I want, I just have to fix this error. Any one ideas? This is my panel code:

JPanel Panel = new JPanel();
Panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(Panel,BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
Panel.add(new JLabel("just a label here"));
Panel.add(new JLabel("just a label here"));


  • Use another LayoutManager e.g. GridBagLayout or

    Place the JLabel in a panel with Horizontal BoxLayout (or BorderLayout) to actieve desired alignment.