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Obtaining a pointer to Lua object instance in C++

I am using Luabind to expose a base class from C++ to Lua from which I can derive classes in Lua. This part works correctly and I am able to call C++ methods from my derived class in Lua.

Now what I want to do is obtain a pointer to the Lua-based instance in my C++ program.

C++ -> Binding

class Enemy {
  std::string name;

  Enemy(const std::string& n) 
    : name(n) { 

  const std::string& getName() const { 
    return name; 

  void setName(const std::string& n) { 
    name = n; 

  virtual void update() { 
    std::cout << "Enemy::update() called.\n"; 

class EnemyWrapper : public Enemy, public luabind::wrap_base {
  EnemyWrapper(const std::string& n) 
    : Enemy(n) { 

  virtual void update() { 

  static void default_update(Enemy* ptr) {


// Now I bind the class as such:
class_<Enemy, EnemyWrapper>("Enemy")
  .def(constructor<const std::string&, int>())
    .property("name", &Enemy::getName, &Enemy::setName)
    .def("update", &Enemy::update, &EnemyWrapper::default_update)

Lua-based Derived Class

class 'Zombie' (Enemy)

function Zombie:__init(name)
    Enemy.__init(self, name)

function Zombie:update()
    print('Zombie:update() called.')

Now let's say I have the following object created from Lua:

a = Zombie('example zombie', 1)

How can I get a reference of that object as a pointer to the base class in C++?


  • If in Lua you do

    zombie = Zombie('example zombie', 1)

    then you can get the value of the zombie like this:


    (object_cast and globals are members of the luabind namespace, L is your Lua state) This assumes you know the names of the variables you create in Lua.

    You can always call a C++ method from Lua that takes a pointer to Enemy:

    void AddEnemy(Enemy* enemy) { /* ... */ }
    module(L) [ def("AddEnemy", &AddEnemy) ]

    and call it from Lua

    a = Zombie("zombie", 1);

    Be aware that if you do

    AddEnemy(Zombie("temp zombie", 1));

    Lua will delete the "temp zombie" after the method call and invalidate any pointers to the object.