The BWidget ComboBox widget allows you to fill in an entry field with a value. I would like to enforce only specific characters in that field (e.g. only [a-z0-9]). For that purpose I would like to use Tcl/Tk's -validatecommand (or -vcmd for short), just as you do with the standard 'entry' widget:
proc ValidateMyEntry { value } {
# Check if it's alphanum string
if ![regexp {^[-a-zA-Z0-9]*$} $value] {
return 0
return 1
entry .my_entry -width 20 -textvariable myVar -validate key -vcmd {ValidateMyEntry %P}
It seems ComboBox does not support -validatecommand. What's the best work-around?
As something that was possible but a bit cumbersome, I decided to use the old-style 'trace variable' function to enforce values in combobox.
Put the following statement after the ComboBox call:
trace variable myVar w forceAlphaNum
Elsewhere, you have to define the forceAlphaNum proc:
proc forceAlphaNum { name el op } {
if { $el == "" } {
set newname $name
set oldname ${name}_alphanum
} else {
set newname ${name}($el)
set oldname ${name}_alphanum($el)
global $newname
global $oldname
if { ![info exist $oldname] } {
set $oldname ""
# Check if it's alphanum string
if ![regexp {^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$} [set $newname]] {
set $newname [set $oldname]
bell; return
set $oldname [set $newname]