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Modifying ruby code to work with Postgresql

I was previously using sqlite3 for my ruby code and it worked fine for the following code

def existsCheck( db, id )
    temp = db.exec( 'SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS(
        SELECT 1
        FROM Products
        WHERE promoID = ?
    ) ', [id] ).length > 0

def writeDB( db, product )
    db.exec( 'INSERT INTO Products ( promoID, name, price, shipping, condition, grade, included, not_included, image, time_added )
                        VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [product.promoID,, product.price, product.shipping, product.condition, product.grade, product.included, product.notIncluded, product.image, product.time] )

Does Postgresql not support the idea of "?" or am I doing something wrong?


  • From the fine PG::Connection manual:

    - (PG::Result) exec(sql[, params, result_format ])
    - (Object) exec(sql[, params, result_format ]) {|pg_result| ... }
    PostgreSQL bind parameters are represented as $1, $1, $2, etc., inside the SQL query. The 0th element of the params array is bound to $1, the 1st element is bound to $2, etc. nil is treated as NULL.

    So you want to use numbered placeholders with PostgreSQL:

    def existsCheck( db, id )
        temp = db.exec( 'SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS(
            SELECT 1
            FROM Products
            WHERE promoID = $1
        ) ', [id] ).to_a.length > 0
        # You'll also need to .to_a the result before you can
        # treat it as an array...