I'm building a tablet app and my development environment is rails running ubuntu in a virualbox on windows host. I set a host-name of dev.myapp.com on the windows machine.
I run thin as my web-server, but when I run sudo rails s thin -p 80
I get the error
Could not find multi_json-1.0.4 in any of the sources
installing the gem does not resolve the issue, and I get the same error if I run thin or not.
I think I was starting the server on a different port before, but I can't remember which it was. I've tried 8080, but that isn't working when I try to open dev.myapp.com
in the browser on the host machine.
Any suggestions on either using another port (and which port works without needing a port extension), or resolving the multi_json error. Or other suggestions?
What I ended up doing here was running with just a vanilla rails s thin
and then pointing fiddler to redirect the ip address to port 3000